I was dreaming up a new way of trend blogging and probably speeding because was listening to the speed demon Jamiroquai when I realised I was near Chorley (Lancashire - wrong rose county) unbloodybelievable but totally me. I am off to Paris on Wednesday with work and my friend Rebecca has been panicking about having to go with me because of my scattiness, she fears we will come a cropper somewhere! Bless her! In the week I was reassuring her I am good on a trip, she was not convinced. I generally am upbeat, quietly organised and a pleasure, I have been told, to be on a trip with, but I can sort of understand where Rebecca is coming from when the daydreaming gene kicks in.
I recently lost my way back to Liverpool three times in the same journey when on a trip with the girls from my team, this may not surprise you if you were to think I had never experienced this journey before but for you who do not know me - this is a regular occurrence. My excuse for this scatty behaviour was I had had a big night the night before - not good on reduced hours of sleep! The only other mishaps I have experienced on my journey's was, I once left my passport at the snack shop in Stockholm and missed my plane home. I have missed a flight home from Honkers because it was a midnight flight - wrong day and all that. Other than that I couldn't go to china for the day because I thought I had left my passport back at my sisters, when in fact I had my passport in my bag the whole time. I am sure the people I have travelled with, will be able to note more stannerisms - but I think these are my highest daydream moments.
I am glad I am a daydreamer but I realise that if I am to continue with this behaviour I should ensure I have a full tank of petrol, it was a very arduous task sticking to 70mph in an attempt to get home on 90 miles worth of petrol. It's times like these that make you realise where the feck is my RCA cover and what's the number! What a complete nightmare but I can laugh now!
Hope Rebecca is ready for Paris! I will try not to daydream mate!
Thanks for tuning in. Are you a daydreamer?
Stan xx