I think the fear of the book not being successful has held me in a sense of immobility and so not to complete the book always leaves me in this nice place of security with an ambition that one day I could achieve success. However, if I don't try I won't fail, it takes the spin off the old saying, "you won't know until you try!" So I am challenging my fear and I am going to get out there with my book. Just a few finishing touches and a session with my lovely friend to view all the illustrations and hopefully it is going to be brilliant. I don't think I am going to be the next Jo Rowling, she is a genius. My book does have a few usp's up its sleeve though, I might even take it to the Dragon's Den.
Why do we do that? Hold our fate in suspense so we can feel hope - instead of going for it, we would achieve a lot more in a shorter amount of time. I don't understand it - further to that why do bad singers set themselves up for a fall when they stand in front of an auditorium of people to audition for x factor? They have no fear, no idea really & yet they believe they can achieve regardless to Simon Cowell's opinion. I was told today I had good self awareness, so with this in mind I am going to aim for the book to be ready by the end of January with all the merchandise. There, done it committed to it in writing. Just need to get on with it now.
What holds you in fear? Anything? Nothing? Write it down - then you can at least realise what you need to do? Then don't waste your time in suspense feel the success or failure, at least then you can say you have tried.
Thanks for tuning in - off to finish a book now.
Stan xx
I find that knowing my limits and laziness tempers my ambition.