Monday, 25 February 2013

Madison Mai

Today!  Started at 4am when I found out I was an aunty again today to my brother Adam and Kate's little girl Madison Mai - Lady Maddy Mai for short.  Then I went back to bed and was rudely awaken to move my car by my mum which turned me into the grouch.  So I called my sister to make me feel better, I was greeted by three people  -  my cute nephew Archie 3, niece Erica 5 and my sister (AGE NOT TO BE DISCLOSED) all pulling faces - result cheered up! They made me smile until Archie asked me when was I going to come back to visit him in DB - Honkers Konkers.  Normally, I would say, "soon mate" and usually it would be but because I have been made redundant from my job I properly started to realise I couldn't in fact jump on a plane and go see this cute little guy who was being so sweet.  On seeing me cry like a big baby and with bags under my eyes that Gucci would die for from the sleepless night I had - he said this.  "Why are you crying old lady", to which I then realised, not only was I homeless (soon), jobless, boyfriendless, dogless, catless, childless - I was now fooking old too............. god damnit!

So what to do, answers on a postcard please! ha ha.  No I am going to write a list of what I want,  I have 12 months to make this happen.......

1. New job - freelance & own business or working for another cooperate company 
2. New home
3. New Boy - that would be nice
4. New dog
5. New cat
6. Finish children's book
7. Grow my tumblr popularity
8. Write a sitcom
9. Maybe foster some brats
10. Win lottery, so all of the above can happen sooner rather than later

Would you agree that there is a lot of change going on in my life and that it is all good because at least I have a shopping list and if I know what I want at least I have direction. Although, I have had a shitty couple of days, I have a new cheeky niece to add to the other beautiful rascals in my life.  Today feels like a new beginning - a clean slate.  I am going to make this happen.......... can't be boyfriendless, catless, dogless, jobless, homeless Aunty "Old Lady" Sarah! Frigging kids really can show you the mirror sometimes can't they.  Love you Gracie, Erica, Zachie, Part time Archie and new addition as of today Madison Mai. 

Thanks for tuning in and listening to my life - you make me smile too.

S x

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like a new baby in the family to make you realise that not all is bad in the world.

    Glad to hear that you are being positive and planning ahead for a better futures. I hope you can make at least some of it happen.
