The days leading up to discovering I was pregnant were quite rocky to say the least. Just a month or so into our relationship, I was pushing Garry away because guess what!? I really, really liked him - so I was doing my ultimate best to test him, the push you away but will you stay test. I think you girls will know what I am talking about but you guys will probably think - you idiots! However, when you start a new relationship you feel insecure, emotional, vulnerable and a little bit crazy, because you have made yourself previously so positive, independent, strong, focused and happy. Then someone else comes into the equation and suddenly rocks your confidence, you ask yourself - will he like me, when all you have been doing previously is saying I like me. Also, you realise that you could be even happier than you have been alone and if that's taken away from you, you suddenly feel very vulnerable - hence the self protecting that kicks in. In my case, push him away and then I am in control and not so vulnerable - obviously!
However, coupled with this vulnerability of the new budding relationship, I was also very hormental. Unbeknown to me I was actually pregnant, however, I thought my thyroid was broken so I had taken myself off to see my doctor to get my levels checked. I was feeling so strung out I went to see my mum, lucky her! I rocked up at her house and ranted, stomped and raged and eventually cried. I cannot tell why - not because it's a secret, but because I cannot remember what it was that had me so stressed out. It is of no importance now though because all is forgotten, but I am sure my mum will be able to tell you that I was a complete pain in the arse that day. Unconsolable and emotional and we put it down to me going through a redundancy three months previously. We bought cream cakes to cheer us up and it worked too.
The following week Garry came to stay with me, initially everything was great, I had missed him, we had had a chat and I was feeling better about us and we had a good couple of days together. However, the time came for Garry to go back home and the mist of dome descended on me. I started to sulk again - I don't remember why! but Garry has since told me that is not my best look and that I stop looking pretty when I sulk so I shouldn't do it. He is stating a fact here, not being harsh, for years Barbara one of my best friend has been comparing my sulky face to Frank from Shameless - it really isn't my best look.
Garry left me that evening under the shadow of me saying "that's it, its over!". The cheeky scamp, was not even phased, as this was not the first time he had heard this phrase and just left me sulking while he chuckled off to his car knowing that I was making something out of nothing. I even saw him smirking as he walked off, but I was just as adamant that it was no laughing matter - it was over! I was a complete nightmare that day to Garry and he just paid no notice to my mardiness as he had realised that I had started a pattern of events and by the following week - all would be resolved and we would again have a nice couple of days just until he was due to go home.......
The following day, true to form I did not contact Garry, still in sulk mode I took myself off to the doctors to find out the results of my Thyroid test, this could resolve the mood swings if my Thyroid was imbalanced as it tampers with my hormones. The doctor who saw me that morning was not to know what was about to be unleashed on her. I had been watching Denise Welch on Lorraine talking about her struggle with depression. I empathised with Denise and this set the pace of my visit to the doctors, I told her how erratic I had been, how I was up and down emotionally, how I had been pushing Garry away and eventually how at the age of 40, I had been having sex without contraception which was totally out of control and out of character for me. I spiralled into a tearful snotty mess and she consoled me a box of tissues and then asked the question "when is your next period", my shocked blubbering response to this was, "it should have started two days ago but it usually turns up!" Not really taking in the enormity of her question she then asked me to go and pee in this cup, as my thyroid was not in fact broken and my hormone imbalance could be due to me being up the duff!
I was horrified how quickly she discovered the positive outcome. I had never ever taken a pregnancy test in my life and immediately burst into a torrential flood of tears. I was a Titanical wreck of emotions, the news was as if my life had actually hit the mother of all icebergs. I was pregnant to a guy who I had known for all of two minutes and was now looking at having to tell him the news while he was looking after his daughter.
I got to the car and called him - Garry was by this time used to my next day grovelling calls of "I'm sorry!" However, this call went more like this, "you know I have been hormental! well, I'm Pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" To which Garry laughed - yes laughed and then said No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, his following sentence was the most insensitive but funny now " I told you we should have just had bumsex!"
Needless to say this story does have a happy ending - Garry and I are making a go of things - we are moving in together on my birthday, even though I still have my hormonal moments and he still has his insensitive moments. Also, the little dude is growing and so is our relationship - fingres crossed the future is looking bright as long as I stop sulking ha ha ha.