Tuesday, 19 April 2011

To Skin A Cat or Not To Skin A Cat? That is the Question!

This bundle of fluff to those who don't know him is Jim - sometimes Jimbob and othertimes jimbob bobbins. He doesn't answer to any of the above, he is far too aloof to come when he is called. He only comes to me when he wants something and the only things he ever wants is food or cuddles in that order. He is a real boy, I think most girls would agree this is boy like behaviour!

Anyway - please note his gorgeous fluffy coat, at the moment he does not look like this at all. I have come home to Jimbob Marley - his coat is all matted with his old fur knotted into his new spring coat. Apart from looking like a ragga muffin, he looks like he has also swallowed the dog, he is fat! I have to take this matter into hand. I have two options.

a. Cover him in olive oil and rub the knots out, then brush him which is not the easiest of tasks as he is like his owner - very vocal.


b. Take him to the grooming parlour to get his knots shaved off....... I can barely say it!

I am distraught, Jim is doomed to being a skinned truamatised cat who probably will then go and live across the road like TC did when he got upset with me for going to live in Preston. Or I will have to grapple him to the floor and spend at least a day teasing the knots out by which time he will have devised his plan to possibly go and live as far as Preston to escape me. What shall I do? Discuss.

Stan x

1 comment:

  1. I think shave him. It'll be much quicker.
    If you take him there and collect him after then he won't think it was you who did it. Just act as if you are rescuing him when you pick him up!
    Also lock him in and give him loads of nice shit to eat when he gets home to prevent him running off.
    Good luck!
    xxx Bex xxx.
