Thursday, 4 August 2011

Are you a fountain or drain?

There are two types of people in this world, a drain or a fountain! My friend Claire passed on this little spark of genius! which now I swear by. It is true! and by spreading the love hopefully this little insight may help you. Here are the two types broken down...

A Fountain - Is a person who is a breath of fresh air to be with, you always want to be around a fountain and you never tire of them. They compliment you, boost your confidence, support your decisions - right or wrong, care for you, constantly giving - emotionally, physically etc., share with you and generally bring you happiness, whereas

A Drain - Is a person who zaps your energy with their negativity, never helps, always causes a fuss, upsets the chicken coop, never gives, always needs your help, never takes responsibility for their own happiness relies on other people to deliver this to them. Could go on but don't want to and think you've probably got the picture by now.

To be a fountain you have to work at it but being positive and being around other fountains brings you alot of happiness - its bloody lovely. Find your fountains and drop off your drains one by one and you will soon have a happier life. I realise that not everyone can be a fountain but if you live your life by example - like attracts like. You might even convert a few drains.

Good luck finding you fountains and good for you if you have them already.

Thanks for tuning in.

Stan x

P.s. THANK YOU MY FOUNTAINS - You know who you are xxxx

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