Tuesday, 30 August 2011

This week I love Tina Turner!

At the weekend my bessies came to stay and I was having my own little spotify memorabilia party with them. I put Tina Turner on because I was remembering one of my other gorgeous friend's Annette who sings her heart out to "Proud Mary". She is genius at the intro - chatting away in she sexy voice and then she lets it rip, whether it be in someones living room or a backstreet pub in Liverpool - the energy is the same - love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So does her audience x

Isn't weird how you think about someone and then you end up being surrounded by them. I flicked on to Film four this evening and I am currently watching the Tina Turner story "What's Love Got To Do With It". I believe things happen for a reason, I was meant to be watching this film for many reasons.

One of the reasons was to show me that no matter how people put you down they can only keep you down if you believe what they are saying is true. In Tina Turner's married life she was plagued with violence and abuse. However, until she realised that she deserved better she remained trapped, frozen in her insecurities and a prisoner of her own talent. Her sister channelled her faith into Buddhism and she realised that she was strong enough and that anything was POSSIBLE.

Cause & Effect is a Buddhist belief which she practises to this day, I don't practise Buddhism but I have read a book called The Secret which helps me focus on the positives in my life & draws in the positive people around me. I changed my life around from a negative situation at my workplace, I wasn't heard, I felt worthless, I struggled to get my ideas across - not by all my colleagues but by one person imparticular which was enough to cripple my talents. The man I am talking about doesn't even deserve to be mentioned, writing about this time is draining in itself. I have always sought male approval in my life because I struggled gaining it from my dad - when in the workplace the father head of the company I was working for berated me and never gave me a chance, yet I continued to try and win his favour but this was in vain. I looked within and realised I couldn't change him and yet I was always focusing on how I could change this guy's view of me and my performance in work. Instead, I started to believe in myself, I started to change my focus on me and if I wasn't going to be appreciated why should I want to impress, why should I want to work for this company any longer! That's when I decided to take action instead of focusing on the negative situation I turned it into a new job up north with a company who values me. It is also very good to hear that my suppliers all want to work with me again too and that's because I am good and I have cast off the shadow that you have to impress someone. You don't, you need to invest in yourself, you need to believe in yourself and you need to treat people how you would like to be treated and only good will come to you.

I really recommend the book although Annette lives by these values without the book and so does Claire Hesterpants - but if you need a little help in the right direction, whack on a bit of Tina Turner circa after Ike (what a drain) and gene up on getting your life positive. Once you have done this - pass it on. P.s. I love Tina Turner because she is an inspiration - she restarted her career when she was 43 years old, she looks amazing, she knows how to work out & she knows how to rock a room! - life has funny timing & can suprise the fook out of you if you live it to the full.

Thanks for tuning in

Stan xx

1 comment:

  1. Tina Turner, now there is a woman who could definitely float my boat. We have seen her in concert three times and on each occasion she was "Simply The Best".
