Sunday, 14 August 2011

The gift of flowers! xxx

A couple of weeks back my niece and nephew came to stay and my sister took great pleasure letting her daughter choose the flowers. The attached photo was what Erica picked and Laura put back the lilies she had originally chosen - I would have appreciated the latter but loved the flowers Erica gave me because they were from her. Bless Erica she had picked the most colourful flowers in the shop but they are not what I would buy for myself. Now you might be thinking you ungrateful cow and you will be right. When it comes to flowers I am very particular.

You see flowers are not just flowers they mean something to me. When I decided not to marry all those years ago my fiance asked me why I had fallen out of love with him. So I told him, things had become too easy - we were more like friends and he hadn't even fought for me to come back to him and I also said "you didn't even send me any flowers". That conversation opened the floodgates of two weeks of bouquets, which you would expect would make me happy. The first couple of days I was surprised and actually felt bad because he was trying too hard. He had gone to my favourite flower shop Earth and was spending £40.00 on bouquets daily. Again - this is where the ungrateful cow rears her head again - I just didn't appreciate them because he was simply throwing money at the situation and he hadn't a clue which flowers I loved and what colours I liked. Afraid that I may bore you tears I won't go into what I like but you would think that after dating me for five years he would know. Disappoinmont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to stop the flowers in the end when I asked the secretary in the school I was working in to tell him I didn't want them - heartless cow I hear you cry! It was bad! I thought on the last day he had actually listened by now every teacher in the school had had a bouquet and I was glad it was finally over. Then I went to the car and he had put a bouquet on my car seat - arggggh! Spooky. We had to have a chat, he stopped sending the flowers and I think he is happily married now & has a little baby so I did a favour in the end.

The other time I was surprised with flowers was when I met a guy at a festival - he was so full on and sent the most amazing velveteen red roses you've ever seen - they must have cost a fortune. Again it went down like a lead balloon - I loved the gesture but not the flowers themselves. He wasn't to know - bless him, he turned out to be a complete weirdo though, told me he loved me on the second date - see trying too hard! God it's no wonder I am single - fooking difficult to please!

I like aesthetically pleasing flowers - not over zealous gestures and romantic cliches. I think I will be buying my own flowers from now on in anyway - after reading this no bugger will ever want to buy them for me again. What an ungrateful madam I am. I will say though I am very good at buying flowers for friends and family, so if I have upset anyone about their choice of flowers for me, let me know - I will send you some.

To go away with some inspiration, the man who most impresses me in the flower buying stakes is David Beckham. He sends Victoria a yellow rose every day, it symbollic nature is of health. The right simple flower can mean the world - think before you buy your flowers they hold so many meanings - sorry for being difficult but it is true. Here's hoping that you girl's get some nice flowers soon.

Thanks for tuning in

Stan xx

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