This year, I will not be putting myself up for an audition - I have been there and done that. I was working at Marks & Spencer on a placement at the time - it must be nearly ten years again - shitola time is passing by so fast! Anyway, I had designed a gold sequin dress and was very proud of it and Barbara my boss at the time allowed me to wear it for the audition. So all proud of my big bad designing self I caught a flight to Manchester from London. Laura my sister met me in the pissing rain - drove me to the Man Utd's Old Trafford and left me there in the pissing rain for 10 hours - she drove off pissing herself. We were lead in to endless lines for our turn on the biggest karoke session minus the karoke machine. I queued to see a judge who wasn't Simon or Louis, they were nowhere in sight. There was thousands of us, my number was something like 56,347. I sang in front of a half full stadium of people and although I had been building a rapport with my singing coach on the way along the line...... she then went on a tea break - bugger! Then I got a cold fish guy who made me sing two verses and a chorus twice to Stop by Sam Brown - bearing in mind that most people were given two minutes, he left me singing and then didn't even take me through - what a tease. My little heart was racing, my knees were knocking and my voice was swolled by the vast stadium - I was gutted, I had been going on about how I wanted to win and how I was going to dress up in my gold dress and look the mut's nuts! I instead stood rusting - freezing in nothing but the gold sequin dress that hadn't even hit the shelves yet. Joe public looked at me as if I had come off the disco bus and not found the party - most people had their tracksuits on - back in the day it was not the way to go!
Well I succeeded on one front, my gold dress made a million pounds worth of publicity and I know that in my heart that's where I am supposed to be - designing! I really love a karoke session though! When singing my heart out I do feel like the cat who got the cream. Planning a karoke birthday weekend whoop whoop! Can't wait for the bessie's to arrive in Leeds, Leeds, Leeds!
Top of my list is Black velvet, Stop and Fallin' after that it all gets a bit messy! Any suggestions of new songs - get in touch. Think I could do with some new material! Looking forward to it.
Thanks for reading about my little X factor experience - have you any unfulfilled ambitions? Discuss!
Stan x
Good on you for surviving the audition, the rain and showing off your new creation. A lifetime of designing will be more rewarding than a few moments of fame on the tele.